create your own seed phrase
This is very important! If someone is not smart enough to create one random enough, then that shouldn't ruin the feature for those of us who can. This is the biggest failure of most tokens. People lose their keys 100x more than they get hacked. Disallowing this feature is condescending. Just get ODIN on the paper wallet generator on github.
Craig Hunter
Interested of the implications of this. As I see it, if this was allowed at worst it would only be detrimental to the individual and not have any outright effects, other than say humanobvious hack (myname123!) Then the hack devalues the app? My heart swings to random generate only.
Craig Hunter:
1) if an Odin user loses the seed phrase you generate for them, then they are SOL.
2) if an Odin user loses their private key, then they are SOL.
3) if an Odin user is careless enough to do #1 and/or #2, are they any less SOL if they create a poor seed phrase?
4) is it good policy to restrict freedoms of smart people because a few people may or may not be stupid?
5) do you honestly believe disallowing this important feature makes Odin more secure and marketable than these coins that allow seed phrase creation? BTC, LTC, DASH, etc
just say, "we don't recommend this, but do it at your own risk." and then get Odin Chat on the wallet generator on github and advise people how to do it offline.